sustainable; marketplace; efficient; management, agribusiness.Abstract
World potato production was over 368 million tons and Brazilian production was the 22nd largest in the world in 2020, mainly in Minas Gerais, São Paulo, and Paraná, which account for 74% of production, all destined for the domestic market. The potato market is unstable and regulated by the seasonality of supply and demand for the product, about uncertainties regarding prices. The aim of this research was to analyze the sustainability indicators in potato production of the ten most efficient producers (with efficiency indicators above 90%) and to verify if these producers are sustainable. To measure the technical efficiency, the half-normal parametric model with heteroscedasticity was adopted, in addition to measuring the sustainability indicators of the potato producing companies through the methodology of “Sustainable Development Goals (MDS)” proposed by the UN. Primary information was collected and analyzed on a significant sample of 50 potato producers in the geographical mesoregion of Campinas, SP. The most economically efficient producers in terms of costs and profits showed adequate levels of sustainability.
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