COMPETITIVIDADE DO BIODIESEL: DESAFIOS E PERSPECTIVAS NA REGIÃO MATOPIBA/Biodiesel competitiveness: challenges and perspectives in the MATOPIBA Region
Biodiesel, System Model, MATOPIBA, BrazilAbstract
This article's main objective is to analyze the systemic viability and competitiveness of biodiesel in the MATOPIBA region, based on the application of the Viable System Model (VSM) methodology in the context of the selected study area. It is relevant to analyze how the competitiveness of MATOPIBA biodiesel can become more viable in an increasingly dynamic and complex context, where there is currently a great excessive dependence on soy as the main raw material. The methodology used in this study was based on the application of the Viable System Model (VSM) through the use of the VSMod® software. Based on the results found, it was possible to identify little explored raw material options, such as beef tallow and cotton, which can be considered viable alternatives for the production of biodiesel. The study considered that biodiesel production in the MATOPIBA region is heavily dependent on soybeans, which negatively impacts the food chain and the competitiveness of the sector. Therefore, it is considered necessary to diversify raw materials to reduce this dependence.
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