Connection of the elementary 2nd grade didactic material with Provinha Brasil – Test of 2015


  • Nirce Soldi Thomas Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
  • Carmen Teresinha Baumgärtner Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná
Supporting Agencies


Didactic material. Literacy. Reading.


In this study we perform an analysis of didactic material, specifically, the Portuguese Language annual booklet – Reading, Interpreting and Learning – 2 nd grade, Elementary School, organized by the Municipal Secretariat of Education – SMED, in a city located in the Western Paraná. This didactic material, which was elaborated for Portuguese teaching focusing on reading, was used by teachers with 2nd grade classes during the year 2015. Considering the wide use in classrooms in the context of the research, it made us interested in taking this material as an object of study. Thus, it had the aim of pondering the reading conception in which the material was based and of analyzing whether the material encompasses texts and activities that aim the development and learning of the descriptors evaluated in Provinha Brasil – Test 2 of 2015. Provinha Brasil is an assessment instrument in large scale, created by MEC/INEP, in order to diagnose, in this level of schooling, what are the skills that the public schools students already master and which they still do not. This evaluation is applied twice a year: once at the beginning, when the students join the classes; and the other at the end of the year, when they are finishing the second grade. With this qualitative and interpretative research, whose approach is the documentary analysis, in the context of Applied Linguistics, we noticed that the leading of the activities proposed by the material analyzed is focused on texts. Thus, it encompasses just one of the skills expected and evaluated in Provinha Brasil, the D6 – ability to find explicit information on texts.


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How to Cite

THOMAS, N. S.; BAUMGÄRTNER, C. T. Connection of the elementary 2nd grade didactic material with Provinha Brasil – Test of 2015. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e14149, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

