Reading in the prison environment


  • Maria de Lourdes Custódio de Faria
  • Valdeci Batista de Melo Oliveira
Supporting Agencies


Remission of sentence, education, literature, prison environment.


This scientific paper aims to present the project of remission of sentence via education through reading, conducted in a Parana State penitentiaries. for this scientific paper made a cut of the project in a particular prison, where the researcher works. this project encourages of reading began in 2012, staying to the present day . in this paper, a reflection on the necessity of education within the prison environment is discussed, emphasizing it as a human right, especially for those deprived of freedom. such project has great importance for the inmates, beyond remission of sentence, it encourages the habit of literary reading within the criminal units in the entire state of paraná, in addition, aiming to rebuilding their personal identities, which also enables them to rebuild their self-esteem. through reading, prisoners give meaning to their idle moments, develop their reading skills, improve their writing abilities, expand their linguistic possibilities, their imagery and vocabulary, i.e., they discover and act in creating possible conditions of seeing and thinking their own identity, building new concepts, acquiring new percepts through literature, whose emancipatory characteristic is presented and discussed by various theorists. to support the arguments laid out, we turn to authors such As Freire (1983), Coutinho (1978), Candido (1972, 1995), Costa (1997), Soares (1989), among others. in this paper, the inmates who participate on the project are presented, as well as their level of education, some problems encountered in developing the project are pointed out and possible suggestions are indicated.


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How to Cite

DE FARIA, M. de L. C.; OLIVEIRA, V. B. de M. Reading in the prison environment. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 2, p. e14705, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

