The Portuguese language teaching content in the official documents and to the Applied Linguistics: two discursive orders


  • Adelino Pereira dos Santos
Supporting Agencies


Portuguese language teaching content, official documents, discursive order, applied linguistics.


In this essay, we start from the recent discussions on  the government acts and documents regarding the national common curricular basis and the reform of the of the Brazilian high school teaching  program to, from a text first presented as a chapter of our master’s thesis, sustain a thesis that the contents of the discipline Portuguese Language is under two discursive orders: that which we call here traditional discourse  on  Portuguese language  teaching content (DPT) and the discourse on the Portuguese Language teaching contents arising out the functionalist linguistics (DELF). For so, we do a critical review of the official documents on Portuguese Language teaching parameters that were published at the end of the decade 1990 and in the years 2000, as well as  on the work of three authors representatives of a more political  version of the applied linguistics, which also were published in this last mentioned period of Brazilian education.


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How to Cite

DOS SANTOS, A. P. The Portuguese language teaching content in the official documents and to the Applied Linguistics: two discursive orders. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15264, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

