Biting to live and writing to remember: Beatriz Leal’s Mulheres que mordem and the remembering of a time that cannot be forgotten in Latin America


  • Natasha Centenaro Doutoranda em Letras - Teoria da Literatura (PUCRS), bolsista CNPq. Mestra em Letras - Escrita Criativa, pela Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), bolsista CAPES. Editora Júnior Letrônica PUCRS. Jornalista e escritora.
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Latin America dictatorships, feminine perspective, Mulheres que mordem, Beatriz Leal.


My goal in this work is to analyze how both female characters and their relations to Latin American civil-military dictatorships are built in the book Mulheres que mordem (Women who bite), by Brazilian author Beatriz Leal. This novel, which was published in 2015 and was nominated for the 58th Jabuti Awards, is focused on the Argentinian dictatorship and sets different points of view about this period and its consequences. From the female characters’ perspectives, one can trace a historical path for movements such as the Plaza de Mayo Mothers and Grandmothers, in order to reflect on the links between literature and memory, specially collective memory, and the processes of writing on the past, however recent and visceral. In order to do it, I use Beatriz Sarlo, Maurice Halbwachs and Paul Ricoeur to deal with the subject of memory. My intention is also to discuss the implications of fictional writing as a tool for symbolic production and remembering (as well as updating) the historical facts mentioned.


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How to Cite

CENTENARO, N. Biting to live and writing to remember: Beatriz Leal’s Mulheres que mordem and the remembering of a time that cannot be forgotten in Latin America. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 12, n. 1, p. e19369, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

