
  • Joana D’Arc Vaz
  • Neide de Almeida Lança Galvão Favaro


Trabalho Docente, Sociedade Capitalista, Teoria Histórico-Cultural.


This research analyzes the teacher`s profession, its problems and its possibilities, and it has the transformation process of human relationships as its basis. We believe that the capitalist society is permeated with contradictions which are reflected in the education. On the one hand, there is inclusion for everybody in school, including investments in teacher training, but on the other hand, there is the exclusion of a lot of people from knowledge access once there is the maintenance of a low quality teaching.   Such situation has direct consequences upon teacher`s work which is the target of several critics that have affected his/her health and position against the society. It is necessary to clarify the obstacles which prevent his/her critical and transforming action. The analysis of the social relations of production which determine the educational policies, that contribute for the teacher`s profession alienation, constitutes a significant contribution to invert such scenario. It was possible to verify that the training proposed by the current legislation, which is speeded up and pragmatic, does not allow research development and it values the technique, the ability and competence development and the everyday knowledge the most. The consequence is the teacher`s work emptying and the low quality of teaching in Brazilian schools. Recovering this professional work value is fundamental to assure an emancipating human education.  The Cultural-Historical Theory, by Vygotsky, highlights the importance of pedagogical intervention performed by the teacher in the school process which contributes to settle its aims and to rescue this profession importance


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How to Cite

VAZ, J. D.; DE ALMEIDA LANÇA GALVÃO FAVARO, N. TEACHER`S WORK CHALLENGES IN THE CAPITALIST SOCIETY. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 4, n. 1, p. e3618, 2010. Disponível em: https://saber.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/3618. Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

