Currículo de referência de Mato Grosso do Sul de ciências humanas e sociais aplicadas (CHASA)

um caminho para a construção identitária dos jovens indígenas


  • Jaiane da Silva Souza UFMS



This work arises from the concern to know that the number of indigenous schools is insufficient to serve the indigenous population. That said, when indigenous students attend non-indigenous schools they should experience ethnic and cultural inclusion. In this sense, our work aims to analyze the reference curriculum of public education in Mato Grosso do Sul, Humanities and Applied Social Sciences, in order to identify the elements that make possible the transmission and production of "traditional" knowledge there and allow a point of view. interpellation (HALL, 2000) for the formation of indigenous identities. We praise the curriculum themes that make indigenous students protagonists during the teaching-learning process, from the approach of colonialism and occupation of Brazilian territory in the 1st grade of high school to studying the identity processes and cultural resistance in the 3rd grade. . We emphasize the importance of the student protagonist in the learning process so that the contents can be built from the experience of each involved. In this sense, a track of development of the contents over the three years of high school is perceptible.

Author Biography

Jaiane da Silva Souza, UFMS

Aluna da pós graduação em ensino de Sociologia na UFMS. Mestre em Geografia pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia PPGGEO/UFMS/CPTL. Licenciada em Geografia pela UFMS/CPTL.
Mestre pelo Programa de Pós Graduação em Geografia PPGGEO/UFMS/CPTL Licenciada em Geografia pela UFMS/CPTL



How to Cite

DA SILVA SOUZA, J. Currículo de referência de Mato Grosso do Sul de ciências humanas e sociais aplicadas (CHASA): um caminho para a construção identitária dos jovens indígenas. Alamedas, [S. l.], v. 10, n. 1, 2022. DOI: 10.48075/ra.v10i1.29072. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.



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