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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • A contribuição é original e inédita, e não está sendo avaliada para publicação por outra revista; caso contrário, deve-se justificar em "Comentários ao editor".
  • O arquivo da submissão está em formato Microsoft Word.
  • URLs para as referências foram informadas quando possível.
  • Os autores declaram que o texto utiliza apropriadamente as regras de citação. Além disso, os autores têm ciência de que plágio se configura crime contra a propriedade intelectual (Lei 10.695, de 01 de Julho de 2003).
  • O texto segue os padrões de estilo e requisitos bibliográficos descritos em Diretrizes para Autores, na página Sobre a Revista.
  • Em caso de submissão a uma seção com avaliação pelos pares (ex.: artigos), as instruções disponíveis em Assegurando a avaliação pelos pares cega foram seguidas. A identificação do autor foi removida, O nome do autor foi removido em "Propriedades do documento", opção do menu "Arquivo" do MS Word.
  • Todos os autores do texto estão incluídos nos metadados da submissão, com as respectivas informações de atuação profissional e formação acadêmica (a informação completa é essencial para a avaliação).

Author Guidelines


Scientific articles must have a minimum of 15 and a maximum of 40 pages (A4 size), typed in Microsoft Word format, spaced 1,5 (between lines), font Candara size 12.

For the other modalities of text, the rules are the same, except for the maximum extension, which is defined as follows: 20 pages for interviews, 25 pages for translations of classical texts and 06 pages for reviews. In this total of pages, tables, figures and references should be computed (remembering that all bibliography cited should be in references, and vice versa).

All texts must be attached on the electronic platform of AMBIENTES: Revista de Geografia e Ecologia Política (the access link will be created), and the files should not exceed the maximum size of 25 MB.

All authors must be registered, separately, in the electronic submission form (as well as their area of formation, qualification and institution of professional action). The absence of such information will entail direct exclusion from submission. In no case will authors be added or withdrawn after submission has been accepted.

In no case should the author (s) be identified (either at the beginning of the text, or along the same or in the organization of Illustrations or Tables). It is suggested to use the term "author" to replace the appropriate names. All such data should be inserted into the manuscript after its evaluation, when editors request corrections of the article for publication.

The articles should be edited according to the TEMPLATE available on the journal page.

Scientific articles must have a summary of at least 200 words and a maximum of 400 words, in Portuguese, English and another foreign language (French, Spanish, Italian or German). The title and the keywords (maximum of 5) should also be translated into English and into the other foreign language in which the abstract is presented.

In addition to articles and texts in the Portuguese language, texts will be accepted, sent by non-Lusophone authors, written in English or Spanish. However, their insertion in a number of environments should not compromise the principle of clear predominance of the Portuguese language (at least 70%), as a means of communication of the journal.

Texts that are not sent in Portuguese should contain the title, an expanded abstract (between 300 and 500 words) and the key words in Portuguese.

References to authors, in the texts to be published in the journal, should be made in the body of the text, indicating the surname in the upper or lower case, according to the cases, followed by the year of publication of the work. Example: (SILVA, 2007), Silva (2007). If there are more than one work with the same surname, published in the same year, the letters of the alphabet should be added in lower case, after the year of publication, by order of citation in the references presented at the end of the text. Examples: (SILVA, 2007a), (SILVA, 2007b), (SILVA, 2007c).

The literal quotations of excerpts from other authors' texts, if they contain up to three lines, must remain in the body of the text in quotation marks and, if they have more than three lines, should be highlighted with a 4 cm indentation in Candara 11 font, without quotes.

Expressions or excerpts from your text, to which the author wishes to highlight, should be in italics, which should also be applied to expressions maintained in a foreign language. Example: tout court, e-mail, a priori. Authors should not use bold, which is reserved for headings and subheadings of the text.

The figures should be sent in digital format (JPEG, TIF) with a resolution of 300 dpi and cannot exceed the size of 23 x 16 cm. They can be black and white or colored, and should be attached next to the article file, which cannot exceed the maximum size of 10 MB. Figures must be submitted without frame, with graphic scale and legible legends. Photos and images should be at least 1.3 and at most 2 megapixels.

We recommend that authors use only the illustrations tables necessary and essential to understanding the content of the text. Situations of excessive illustrations, poor quality of the graphic information and no observation of the resolution of 300 dpi will imply in the refusal of the text.

The illustrations (drawing, diagram, flow chart, photograph, graphic, map, organogram, plant, picture, portrait, figure, image, among others) and tables must be preceded by their designative word. Its identification must be made at the top, followed by its serial number in the text, in Arabic numerals, indent and its title.

The illustration/table should be quoted in the text and inserted as close as possible to the section to which it refers.

In all cases, there should be an indication (entered in the body of the text and soon after the Illustration / Table) of: source [ex: Source: IBGE (2000)], organization [eg Org .: Author (2000)], adaptation [ex: Adapted from Silva (2000)], or elaboration [ex: Elaboration: Author (2015)].

References and citations should follow ABNT guidelines. It is important that the names of the authors in the references, at the end of the text, come complete. Example: SILVA, José Pedro da; SOUZA, Aline. The titles of the works must be highlighted in italics.

Notes should be inserted as footnotes in the page where they are indicated.

It will be the responsibility of the authors to send the text obeying the cultured norm. The Editorial Coordination reserves the right, regardless of the position of the invited reviewers, to request a review of Portuguese, if necessary, so that the submission can be effectively accepted. The same applies to abstracts in foreign languages. It is recommended to consult specialists for the correction of complete articles as well as summaries in other languages. The quality of the spelling and syntactic revision of the texts is the responsibility of the authors.

The content and opinions expressed by the authors of the texts are their exclusive responsibility, not necessarily representing the opinion of the members of the Editorial Committee and the Scientific Council of AMBIENTES: Revista de Geografia e Ecologia Política.

The selection of the texts will be done by two referees, belonging to the Scientific Council; in exceptional cases, ad hoc guests may deliver opinions. In cases where there is no consensus in the opinion, the arbitration shall be decided by means of the opinion of a member of the Editorial Committee.

In the selection process, three situations are considered: text approved for publication, text forwarded to the author for modifications or rejected text. The texts, after being modified by the authors, will be sent to the same reviewers who evaluated the first version.

The journal will not provide any form of copyright remuneration and will not distribute any printed copies of the articles.



As part of the submission process, authors are required to verify compliance of the submission with respect to all items listed below. Submissions that do not conform to the standards will be returned to the authors.


1. The contribution is original, unpublished, and is not being evaluated for publication by another journal; otherwise, it should be justified in "Comments to the Editor".


2. The authors declare that the text makes appropriate use of the citation rules. In addition, the authors are aware that plagiarism constitutes a crime against intellectual property (Law 10.695, of July 1, 2003).


3. The author's ID was removed, the author's name was removed in "Document Properties", MS Word's "File" menu option.


4. All authors of the text are included in the submission metadata, with their respective professional performance information and academic background (complete information is essential for evaluation).


5. Articles should present consistent results and conclusions that contribute to theoretical-methodological reflection or to other empirical studies.


6. Bibliographical criticisms that do not constitute, in fact, notes or bibliographical news, that is, reveal the capacity of their authors to contextualize the works analyzed in the scope of intellectual production, as well as to develop critical analysis of them.


7. Dissemination of classical texts, which have played an important role in the evolution of geographic thought, in the context of (socio) environmental research.


8. Texts with summaries about concept (s) that are important to the understanding of the relations between society and nature, based on the integrative approach that characterizes both Environmental Geography and Political Ecology, in which the authors who have contributed most to this elaboration and / or the existing consensus and dissent about it (s).


9. As a matter of ethical principle, and supported by Article 15 of the Brazilian legislation in force on copyright (Law 9.610/98), AMBIENTES: Revista de Geografia e Ecologia Política does not endorse the point of view according to the which master and doctoral advisors are "automatic co-authors" of the articles and chapters based on dissertations and theses under his guidance. For this reason, texts extracted from master's theses and doctoral theses, in which the advisor is a co-author, are in principle forbidden. It will suffice that the advisor is duly mentioned in a footnote.


When, however, it is a participation that characterizes an effective and substantial authorial input by the advisor - that is, when the article, despite having a theoretical-conceptual and / or empirical relationship with a dissertation or not be limited to what is already contained in the larger work, with a significant original authorial contribution by the advisor - and provided that this condition is convincingly explained and justified in a detailed letter to the Editorial Coordination of the journal, article submission may be considered. In this case, the type of contribution of the supervisor should be explained in the letter. The supervisor's letter should be attached as a supplementary document on the ENVIRONMENT platform at the time of submission of the article.




Copyright for articles published in this journal are retained by the author, with first publication rights going to the journal. Because they appear in a open access journal, the articles are free to use, with their own attributions, in educational and non-commercial applications.




The names and email addresses on this site will be used exclusively for the purposes of the journal, and are not available for other purposes.


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Os nomes e endereços informados nesta revista serão usados exclusivamente para os serviços prestados por esta publicação, não sendo disponibilizados para outras finalidades ou a terceiros.