Dengue Fever: Strategies for responding to the current health emergency in the Global South


Abstract deadline: August 20, 2024
Editor-in-Chief: Guilherme W. Wendt, PhD

The Editorial Board of Acta Elit Salutis (e-ISSN: 2675-1208), the official journal of the Health Sciences Center of the Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE) invites submissions for a special issue on “Dengue Fever: Strategies for responding to the current health emergency in the Global South”.

This includes, but is not limited to both theoretical, empirical and qualitative research on:



• Development and implementation of sustainable prevention and control programs to inverse the current trend of rising cases of dengue fever, particularly in the Global South


• Review, empirical (including qualitative approaches) and case studies about outbreak prevalence and response, risk factors, and vector management


• Vaccination campaigns, vaccine development, vaccine hesitancy and allied immunization strategies


• Clinical management of dengue fever, including innovative approaches and supportive treatment


Priority will be given to manuscripts that provide evidence of practical recommendation that can be immediately absorbed by professionals and policy makers dealing with Dengue Fever outbreaks in the Global South.

If you have any questions, please, contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. G. Wendt (



More information about this special issue:


About the journal: Acta Elit Salutis (e-ISSN: 2675-1208) is the official journal of the Health Sciences Center of the Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE). The journal is indexed at several databases, including Dialnet, Latindex, and Diadorin, which gives authors a wide audience for conveying their research outputs. There are no APC for this journal.

• First step – Intended abstract submission: Intended abstracts (2 pages maximum, double-spaced) should be sent to Dr. Guilherme W. Wendt ( by August 20, 2024. Please, include your tentative title, study design, and preliminary or expected results.

• Second step - Manuscript submission: All abstracts will be reviewed, and the authors will be notified within 10 days after abstract submission about the decision to submit a full paper, along with information regarding manuscript structure and formatting.

 Deadline for full paper submission: September 1, 2024. The editorial board will provide the abstract translation into Portuguese for papers submitted in English or Spanish.

Accepted papers will be published by the Journal as soon as proofreading is completed (ahead of print).