Squash Kabocha produtivity grown in intercropping and monocrop


  • Lucas Jorge dos Santos
  • Alexandra Almeida Gléria
  • Aldo Max Custódio
  • Tiago do Prado Paim
  • Leonardo de Castro Santos
  • Estenio Moreira Alves
Agências de fomento
CNPq e IF Goiano


Adubação verde, amendoim, C. spectabilis, milho, girassol


The productivity of experimental squash kabocha “HC02 IF Goiano”, intercropped with different green manures and annual crops, were evaluated. The experimental design was randomized blocks with eight treatments and three replications. The treatments were: (1) Squash hybrid HC02 IFGoiano (monocrop); (2) Squash kabocha HC02 IFGoiano intercropped with maize cv. “BM 3061”; (3) Intercropped with sunflower cv. “BRS 321”; (4) Intercropped with peanut cv. “common”; (5) Intercropped with pigeon pea dwarf cv. “IAPAR 43”; (6) Intercropped with pigeon pea shrub cv. “Super N”; (7) Intercropped with Crotalaria spectabilis cv. “common” and (8) Intercropped with Crotalaria juncea cv. “common”. Treatments that exerted more negative effects on productivity of squash kabocha were sunflower and pigeon pea shrub, with no significant differences in intercropped with maize, pigeon pea dwarf and C. juncea. The squash kabocha HC02 IFGoiano had positive impacts when in consortium with peanut and C. spectabilis, resulting in an equivalent yield to the treatment monocrop. We conclude that it is not recommended intercropping with maize, sunflower, C. juncea and pigeon pea in these agronomic conditions. The intercropping can be adopted without reduction of productivity of experimental squash kabocha HC02 IFGoiano with C. spectabilis and peanuts.




Como Citar

SANTOS, L. J. dos; GLÉRIA, A. A.; CUSTÓDIO, A. M.; PAIM, T. do P.; SANTOS, L. de C.; ALVES, E. M. Squash Kabocha produtivity grown in intercropping and monocrop. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 4, p. 516–520, 2017. Disponível em: https://saber.unioeste.br/index.php/scientiaagraria/article/view/15246. Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.



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