Agricultural waste composting: a source of humic substances


  • Joyce Doria Rodrigues Soares Universidade Federal de Lavras
  • Renata Alves Lara Silva Rezende
  • Ramiro Machado Rezende
  • Elberis Pereira Botrel
  • Alex Mendonça de Carvalho
Agências de fomento
Fapemif, Capes e CNPq


compostagem, decomposição, gestão de resíduos, humificação, microrganismos, resíduos sólidos orgânicos.


Faced with a scenario where the sustainability is increasingly sought, the waste composting plays a key role in the recycling of organic waste from agriculture. Waste composting is the process of decomposition of organic matter by microorganisms under controlled conditions forming a biologically stabilized final compound. This organic compound can be used in soil to improve its physical, chemical and biological characteristics. Humic substances are complex molecules produced in this transformation process of organic matter and they contribute to the regulation of important ecological and environmental processes. In this review, we will comment the main aspects of the waste composting and the main activities of the humic substances in plants.




Como Citar

SOARES, J. D. R.; REZENDE, R. A. L. S.; REZENDE, R. M.; BOTREL, E. P.; CARVALHO, A. M. de. Agricultural waste composting: a source of humic substances. Scientia Agraria Paranaensis, [S. l.], v. 16, n. 4, p. 414–421, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 8 jul. 2024.



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