A voices of multiplier: A idade do ferro (1992) and Desonra (2000) of JM Coetzee


  • Ruane Maciel Kaminski Alves
  • Ximena Antonia Díaz Merino
Supporting Agencies


Post-colonialism, literature, south africa, polyphony, otherness.


This research makes a comparative study of the works A Idade do Ferro (1992) and Desonra (2000), the South African writer John Maxwell Coetzee. The proposed theme is aimed at a comparative analysis between the two novels highlighting the identity of images, otherness and research on the narrator's role in the construction of these images and concepts. Backing up in apartheid theme treated in both works, and other elements that find resonance in the internal structure of the two narratives such as the anchored narrative focusing on elements of a cultural memory that brings up issues of otherness and postcolonialism . In the book A Idade do Ferro (1992), the issue of otherness appears in the main character's daily life, Elizabeth Costello initiating an inquiry and reflection from contact with the Other who reveals his "blindness" against the regime, but also its weakness compared to the strong black as iron. The novel Desonra (2000), reveals the white man's condition in the new post-apartheid society, which transformed the old white superiority in minority and subjected to the excluded condition, which needs to adapt to the new society of South Africa marked by segregationist past, perceiving now as a being moved, seeing the "disgrace" around, while the other characters relocate,. The analysis takes as a theoretical framework the concepts of identity, otherness, resistance and postcolonialism exposed by Franz Fanon (1979), Alfredo Bosi (2002), Stuart Hall (2003), Homi Bhabha (2003), Thomas Bonnici (2009) among others. For the study of the narrator, the assumptions of Mikhail Bakhtin were taken (1993) to more precisely design of multilingualism in the novel, dialogism and polyphony


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How to Cite

MACIEL KAMINSKI ALVES, R.; MERINO, X. A. D. A voices of multiplier: A idade do ferro (1992) and Desonra (2000) of JM Coetzee. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 1, p. e14159, 2016. Disponível em: https://saber.unioeste.br/index.php/travessias/article/view/14159. Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

