The popular culture x the elite culture in the work "La tia julia y el escribidor" by Mario Vargas Llosa


  • Gustavo Costa
Supporting Agencies


Culture, Latin American literature, Mario Vargas Llosa, Images.


The culture of a nation is seen in different ways. Popular culture encompasses much of the population of a country, now the Internet, on television, on the radio, sometimes the printed media, causing people to identify with the simple and the current. However, with less amplitude, the elite culture is observed being more selective in the privileged social layer, in which people with an intellectual and social level more appreciated develop. In the work La Julia y el tía escribidor, Mario Vargas Llosa observed the two types of culture, popular and elite, each with its own peculiarities. The character Pedro Camacho is an icon that arouses interest in readers , not only for his way of being, that is, for being so obsessive for his work, but also by the fact that he brought the stories from the radio theater from Bolivia to Peru, gaining  listeners in the country, getting surprisingly successful . Culture is also connected through images that are observed in places where the story takes place, that is, in the case of this work there are images of a rural and urban Peru, with the reader being able to notice the contrast between the two regions, including meeting some of the acts and life of the residents of each. The love in this work happens through the characters Varguitas and Aunt Julia, both in love with each other and fearful by the fact that the family does not accept them as lovers. The work shows the comedy, love, madness, hard work, family relationships, that is to say, ingredients of the Latin American culture.


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How to Cite

COSTA, G. The popular culture x the elite culture in the work "La tia julia y el escribidor" by Mario Vargas Llosa. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 1, p. e14257, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

