Methodological prospects for cinema use in higher education


  • Egeslaine de Nez
  • Sergio Pereira dos Santos
Supporting Agencies


Higher education, cinema, teaching methodology.


This study starts from the perspective that the film acts as a cultural element and intellectual improvement of students in higher education. The research was conducted at the State University of Mato Grosso (Unemat) Campus Teles Pires Valley (Colíder/MT), the Bachelor's Degree in Computer, linked to the Study Group on University (GEU/Unemat). Initially, we used bibliographical research, following documentary and field research through a questionnaire with students of the Bachelor's Degree in Computing. From these data, there was a qualitative/quantitative analysis use of cinema as a methodological perspective in higher education. Also an analysis was performed to verify that the subjects of the films were related to the subjects. Therefore, he used the syllabi of the course in question to identify if teachers did mention the use of cinema as a methodological perspective. It was found that this approach is widely used by teachers, although often not informed of their plans. It was also found a significant number of films watched by academics throughout his training. Thus, it is concluded with this research that the film is able to transform educational routines in dynamic methodologies. It is inferred that, as a methodological perspective, can be an important tool in the pursuit of a teaching process more meaningful learning.


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How to Cite

NEZ, E. de; DOS SANTOS, S. P. Methodological prospects for cinema use in higher education. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e14899, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

