Children’s literature and education: storytell and forming readers


  • Juliara Dias dos Santos
  • Adão Aparecido Molina
Supporting Agencies


Children’s literature, education, storytelling, reading.


The present text has as its aim to highlight the importance of the Children’s literature in the child education forming readers. It shows, at first, a brief historic to the relation between the children’s literature and the children’s education, next it talks about the reading and forming child readers, at last highlight the importance of the storytelling in the formation of new readers. Bibliographic study with the main authors about this theme such as Regina Zilberman, Betty Coelho, Fanny Abramovich, Nelly Novaes Coelho, among others was done. Before the children learn how to read they listen to stories, told by their grandparents, parents and other people. Those moments give them pleasure, emotion, suspense, joy, among many other feelings. Since the begging the cave men told stories through the art drawing in the caves and around the fire. The Children’s literature as it is known appeared in the XVIII century, with the “appearing” of the childhood. Besides, It was in the same century that a significant development of the industry happened, facilitating the mass production, the distribution and consumption. Nowadays, we can see a kind of neglect of the storybook and a tendency for the TV images, because they are easier and done. It is necessary change it back. That is why, it is crucial the storytelling, in order to involve the children in a way they get closer to the books and the reading, to allow them to understand the reality they live and became a critic person. The teacher needs encouraging his/her students to read, although it is also a part of the work of the family and the State.


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ABRAMOVICH, Fanny. Literatura Infantil: gostosuras e bobices. São Paulo: Scipione, 1997.

AGUIAR, V. T. de. Leituras para o 1º grau: critérios de seleção e sugestões. In: ZILBERMAN, R. (org.) Leitura em crise na escola: as alternativas do professor. 6 ed. Porto Alegre: Mercado Aberto, 1986.

COELHO, Nelly Novaes. Literatura infantil: teoria, análise, didática. São Paulo: Moderna, 2000.

GIORDANO, Alessandra. Contar histórias: um recurso arteterapêutico de transformação e cura. São Paulo: Artes Médicas, 2007.

MACHADO, Ana Maria. Texturas: sobre leituras e escritos. Rio de Janeiro: Nova Fronteira, 2001.

RIBEIRO, Jonas. Ouvidos dourados: arte de ouvir histórias para depois contá-las. São Paulo: Ave Maria, 1999.

ROUSSEAU, Jean-Jacques. Emílio ou da educação. São Paulo: Difusão Europeia do Livro, 1968.

SISTO, Celso. Textos e pretextos sobre a arte de contar histórias. Rio de Janeiro: Proler, 1994.

ZILBERMAN, Regina. A literatura infantil na escola. São Paulo: Global, 1994.

ZILBERMAN, Regina; MAGALHÃES, Ligia Cadermatori. Literatura infantil: autoritarismo e emancipação. São Paulo: Ática, 1984.



How to Cite

DOS SANTOS, J. D.; MOLINA, A. A. Children’s literature and education: storytell and forming readers. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15072, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

