Memes virtual: gender speech, dialogism, polyphony and heterogeneity enunciation


  • Ananias Agostinho da Silva
Supporting Agencies


Virtual memes. Speech genre. Dialogism. Polyphony. Heterogeneity enunciation.


This article presents theoretical reflection and analysis on virtual memes focusing on some issues of interest in language studies, such as the notions of discourse genre, dialogism, polyphony and enunciative heterogeneity. Based on the Bakhtinian principle that language is constitutively dialogic and therefore heterogeneous, we propose here that virtual memes are essentially polyphonic genres of discourse, in which the voices of the other are manifested in various forms and contribute to the effects of Intentioned by the producer of the genus are achieved when the replication process is performed.


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How to Cite

DA SILVA, A. A. Memes virtual: gender speech, dialogism, polyphony and heterogeneity enunciation. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15111, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

