The language as an oppressor and liberator instrument in the lusophone context: the case of Brazil and Mozambique


  • Alexandre António Timbane
  • Meire Cristina Mendonça Rezende
Supporting Agencies


Language, Lusophone, Teaching, Portuguese, Mozambique, Brazil.


Portuguese is the official language in Brazil and Mozambique. In both geographical areas live about 190 languages and 170 indigenous languages in Brazil and 20 languages of the Bantu group in Mozambique. The variation and change cause shocks with respect to the standard norm. To what extent the Portuguese continues today an instrument that liberates the lusophone nations and the extent to which oppresses the same linguistic community? The portuguese oppresses because it differentiates the opportunities of citizens in different walks of life; The default standard segregates and difficult in the elementary and secondary education; It is through the portuguese to communicate with the world and exchange experiences cultures. The research aims to discuss the complexities of the portuguese language in the XXIe century pointing its advantages and disadvantages for the Lusophone community. Using the bibliographic method and bringing to the debate the ideas of Bagno (2003), Oliveira (2002), Cardoso (2010), Timbane (2014) and others the research concludes that in Mozambique there is a sense of belonging to the portuguese. Portuguese is the language of Mozambicans and the number of portuguese speakers as mother tongue tends to grow (10.7%). In Brazil, the portuguese is taught as mother tongue; There are linguistic discrimination in relation to varieties and dialects; it is school function respect cultural identity, accept it, appreciate it, legitimize it, discuss varieties, investigate them, question them, so that the student has knowledge and you can choose the standard that is suitable for every fact of life.


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How to Cite

TIMBANE, A. A.; MENDONÇA REZENDE, M. C. The language as an oppressor and liberator instrument in the lusophone context: the case of Brazil and Mozambique. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 10, n. 3, p. e15582, 2016. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

