The interview as a discourse genre: concepts and foundations.


  • José Calais Cerqueira Neto
  • Adelino Pereira dos Santos
Supporting Agencies


Interview, Discourse Genre, Portuguese Language Teaching.


This essay aims to present theoretical studies on the discursive genre interview, as foundations for teaching projects in basic education. For this, we have consulted a brief and heterogeneous bibliography on this genre of discourse, published in Brazil in the last 40 years, from the epistemological fields of Philosophy of Language, Discourse Analysis, Textual Linguistics and other Social Studies. Works of this nature are justified by the difficulties faced by teachers of the Portuguese Language of Elementary and Secondary Education, regarding the availability of theoretical and practical materials on the genre interview, in order to assist them in the daily life of classrooms. We consider valid Marcuschi's (2008) statement that although they’re not new, studies on discursive genres are in fashion. Despite this, however, there are few resources and consistent bibliographies on discursive genres, even though teachers are constantly guided by official documents to make them objects for teaching reading, text production and analysis and reflection on the language.


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How to Cite

CERQUEIRA NETO, J. C.; DOS SANTOS, A. P. The interview as a discourse genre: concepts and foundations. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 1, p. e16207, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

