Analysis of the other voice in light of a discourse perspective.


  • Cleide Inês Wittke
Supporting Agencies


Clear and Disguised Voice, Literary Discourse, Bakhtinian Discourse Perspective.


Someone else’s voice is present in our daily talking, in the rhetorical way of saying, and in literary discourse. From a bakhtinian dialogic polyphonic perspective (1992; VOLOCHINOV, 1981), this paper aims to identify and understand whereby someone else’s discourse, either clear or disguised, according to Authier-Revuz (1982, 1998), is manifested in the literary way of saying, more specifically, in chronicles. We selected two chronicles published in a Brazilian newspaper, namely Zero Hora, aiming at analysing how someone else’s voice under discourse linguistic strategies is manifested and how his or her sense effects are realised textually. We investigated how free indirect, indirect, and direct discourses work, considering other indicators, whether marked or not, by relating them to the transmitter’s way of saying, which at the same time seeks for bringing closer, and moving away from someone else’s  voice, depending on the semantic effect that intends to convey


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How to Cite

WITTKE, C. I. Analysis of the other voice in light of a discourse perspective. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 2, p. e16483, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.

