The use of the item agora in the discourse from the city of Natal.


  • Valdecy Oliveira Pontes
  • Rosângela Bessa Vidal
  • Francisco Clébio Figueiredo
Supporting Agencies


Item agora. Multifunctionality. Functionalism.


In this work we adopted the postulates of the American functionalist theory, denominated Use-Centered Functional Linguistics – LFCU, considering linguistic change by means of discursivization and grammaticalization in a synchronic perspective. We approach the functioning of the expression agora in the discourse from the city of Natal with samples from the corpus D&G (1998). Our goal is to analyze the multifunctionality of the item agora in the several pragmatic-discursive contexts. Thus, we analyze each context of use of this adverb considering occurrence and categorize the data by its range, variation and change


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How to Cite

PONTES, V. O.; VIDAL, R. B.; FIGUEIREDO, F. C. The use of the item agora in the discourse from the city of Natal. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 2, p. e16539, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

