The sex-gender-sexuality triad in the elocutive and performative discourse


  • Daniel Mazzaro
Supporting Agencies


Discourse, speech acts, queer studies, sex-gender-sexuality


This paper aims to analyze the triad sex-gender-sexuality not only in a discursive manner but also as a speech act. Based mainly on Judith Butler’s Queer studies, this paper will deepen the discursive question in which they are established and refered, when they claim that these elements of human identity are elocutionary and performative, that is, the construction and maintenance of this triad occur in the discourse. Regarding the discursive field, our sources are the readings of Hugo Mari about J. L. Austin’s acts of speech, and Patrick Charaudeau’s discussions on the elocutionary and performative acts in the Semiolinguistics Theorie framework. According to these authors, the performative acts, whilst acts of speech, are, nevertheless, a social object, once they are uttered in circumstances that include the presence of the other, which is, somehow, noticed of its existence. On the other hand, the elocutionary acts are those in which the speakers word their point of view about the world, without implicating the interlocutor in a particular positioning. After undergoing the study and the above-mentioned theories into a theoretical comparison, it was observed that gender was never explicitly elocutionary because when transforming itself into a constative act, it will refer to an ‘already given’ discourse, consequently shifting the performativity of the identity construction into natural phenomena.


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How to Cite

MAZZARO, D. The sex-gender-sexuality triad in the elocutive and performative discourse. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 1, p. e16575, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

