Reading in higher education


Supporting Agencies


Reading, search, technology.


The concern to encourage reading, especially in the academic world, is the focus of this work. To show that there are alternatives that can work, a practical theoretical project is presented by a University of Passo Fundo, which combines research in its activity relating to the subjects of the semester, putting into practice such learning and making use, especially in Portuguese language classes of the digital technologies for the best performance of the work. It can be seen that it is possible to reverse the unsatisfactory picture that presents itself when the student enters higher education without motivation to read, it is enough for the University / Faculty to do its part and the project here reported becomes a possible strategy, with teachers from other areas engaged in the Portuguese Language course, besides having all the academic community. The University needs to show society the importance of reading throughout the student life, so that the student arrives at the graduate level better prepared to effectively become a reader / researcher. Thus, we used qualitative research, seeking mainly subsidies of theorists: Katherine Hayles, Róger Chartier, Lúcia Santaella and Henry Jenkins for the construction of meanings. What is verified by the theories studied and the recorded practice is that by using innovative mechanisms and methods that contemplate reading as soon as the university enters the teaching institution, it is possible to train professional researchers in all areas, since the student needs motivation and this is linked to how the teacher will lead the work.


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Author Biographies

Margarete Maria Soares Bin, UPF DE PASSO FUNDO/RS


Miguel Rettenmaier da Silva, UPF-RS

Doutorado em Teoria da Literatura pela PUCRS, Pós-Doutorado pela Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, pesquisador da obra de Josué Guimarães e das relações entre literatura e internet, professor da Universidade de Passo Fundo-UPF, atuando na Graduação, Mestrado e Doutorado.


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How to Cite

BIN, M. M. S.; DA SILVA, M. R. Reading in higher education. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 3, p. e17709, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.

