Digital Literature: analysis of cyberpoems


  • Celso Leopoldo Pagnan Unopar
Supporting Agencies


Digital literature, Multimodality, Multiliteracy, Hibridism


The present article discourses about digital or electronic literature, as it is called in the United States, understood as such the literature produced specifically for the Web and not to be printed in paper. It is a literature still in search of aesthetic and technical paths, but that has already directed to certain trends, with the mix of languages and resources (image, audio, verbal text). This article aims at reflecting on this production, in order to find elements for its analysis, based on a theoretical reference that discusses concepts such as multimodality and multiliteracy, such as Red (2013), Kress (1998), Van Leeuwen (2011), Hayles (2009), Almeida (2011), Gomes (2011) and Moreira (2013) among others. As a methodology, we will specifically analyze some digital literary pieces of work, such as Dois Palitos (Two matchsticks) and 18:30 by Samir Mesquita, as well as the reference to other digital texts, notably those made available in Artery 8 Digital Magazine, with several authors, including concretist poets such as Augusto dos Campos and Arnaldo Antunes. As characteristic of Web language, that kind of artistic production is characterized by conciseness and discursive fragmentation. Strictly speaking, we are faced with hybrid texts that collaborate to establish new perspectives on the literary universe and even on today's life.


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Author Biography

Celso Leopoldo Pagnan, Unopar

Doutor em literaturas de língua portuguesa, pela Unesp - Assis/SP

Professor do programa de Mestrado em Metodologias para o Ensino de Linguagens e suas Tecnologias.


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How to Cite

PAGNAN, C. L. Digital Literature: analysis of cyberpoems. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 11, n. 3, p. e18080, 2017. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

