Language, discourse and gender: analysis in counterpoint


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Language, Discourse, Gender, Transsexuality.


In this article, we seek to comprehend how the discourse of transsexual subjects is signified as it is crossed by kinds of knowledge that rupture the disjunctive logic of language, that is, the impossibility that language names everything. Our hypothesis is that these subjects – their bodies and discourses – are subjected to a coercion of an ideological nature, since they are subjected to the injunctions of a dominant discourse from which they are historically peripheral.
In an attempt to approximate Gender Theories (BUTLER, 2005) and French Discourse Analysis based on Michel Pêcheux’s work, we seek to comprehend how the process of gender identity is discursivized by these subjects, through the analysis of their discourse. As for the analytical methodology, we present two discursive sequences constituted by the discourses of transsexual subjects. They reveal the constitution of gender identity, producing a gesture of resistance towards a discourse that insists on placing these subjects somewhere else. As an effect of conclusion, we understand that, even if this discourse is submitted to ideology and maintains the transsexual subject’s body relegated to the fringes of signification, such subjects find possible ways to (re)significate their bodies and their identitary condition.


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Author Biography

Mônica Ferreira Cassana, Universidade Federal do Pampa

Professora no curso de Letras na Universidade Federal do Pampa. Doutora em Estudos da Linguagem pela Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul.


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How to Cite

CASSANA, M. F. Language, discourse and gender: analysis in counterpoint. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 12, n. 4, p. e20937, 2018. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.