Bioethics: dogma or science


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Bioethics, castration, abortion, nanotechnology.


The unfolding of the various fields of knowledge led, among others, to the emergence of Bioethics as a hybrid domain of reflection that permeates Philosophy, Medical and Biological Sciences, and Biotechnology. In the domains of knowledge when due care is not taken on the limits of human acts, the willingness to experiment can transgress all frontiers of reasonableness in scientific research, and at that moment Bioethics intervenes by alerting the scientific community to its limits in actions that have an impact on the preservation of life, freedom and the states of human nature. As a way of stimulating further research in the field of bioethics, in this text, only three themes were selected, among many others: human castration, abortion, bioethics and nanotechnology. Among the causes that motivated the choice of these themes are the various political, legal, economic and technological development factors present in the most varied contexts of contemporary global society. We followed the spontaneous observational method and the indirect documentary observation, aiming to reflect on the importance of Bioethics in the service of knowledge, not as dogma or science, but as an epistemic instrument at the service of life and human well-being.


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Author Biography

Albeiro Mejia Trujillo, Isaac Newton

Graduado em Filosofia e em Letras, com Mestrado em Teoria Literária, Doutorado em Literatura e Pós-Doutorado em Linguística. Autor dos livros: Ética numa perspectiva transdisciplinar (2011), A narrativa picaresca: uma expressão de luta pela vida e pelo poder (2013), Filosofia Latino-Americana numa perspectiva plural (2013), A base triádica da obra de arte literária (2013), Convergências Linguística e Literárias (2017).


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How to Cite

TRUJILLO, A. M. Bioethics: dogma or science. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 13, n. 2, p. e21626, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.

