The theater in early childhood education mediated by storytelling


Supporting Agencies


Storytelling, Theater, Early Childhoo education, Scenic and sound environment.


The present article consists of notes and reflections that emerged from the practical part of the doctoral research entitled “Having a New Point in each Story: Potential Insertions of theatre in childhood education”. The aim of the research was to introduce theater in Early Childhood Education through storytelling and play. The play 'The Tempest' by William Shakespeare was used as the guiding thread of a scenic narrative experience, thought through the scenic and sonorous setting of the school space, as a possibility to forge a sensory-motor, artistic and aesthetic experience for children between three and five years old. This article presents three axes of discussion: theater with children, storytelling and scenic space; thinking about the storytelling inserted in the universe of the theater and in the context of contemporaneity, seeking to point out aspects of theatricality and performativity that permeate the storyteller's doing, besides presenting the theater to the young child. The methodological option applied was a qualitative research with a descriptive character, with children as creative subjects. The methodological procedures chosen were: Bibliographic Survey - with the following theoretical contribution: Vygotsky, Bachelard, Celso Sisto, Vera Lúcia Bertoni dos Santos, Gilka Girandello, Luciana Hartmann and Adriana Klisys -; Documentary Analysis and Field Research - presentations were held at five children's education centers in the city of Dourados/MS. With the presentations, it was possible to prove that playing through theater and storytelling plays an important role in the social, cognitive, corporal and imaginative development of the child and the teacher.


Author Biography

Flavia Janiaski Vale, Universiade Federal da Grande Dourados

Doutoranda em Artes Cênicas pela UFBA, com bolsa de doutorado sanduiche pela CAPES na University of Massachusetts/Boston no programa de Early Childhood Education. Mestre em Teatro pela Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC e Graduada em Artes Cênicas pela mesma universidade. Trabalhou como Professora Colaboradora na mesma instituição na área de Teatro Educação e Produção Cultural. Além de trabalhar com Produção Cultural em diversos projetos Municipais e Estaduais e trabalhar como produtora da Harmônica Arte e Entretenimento. Tem experiência em Artes, com ênfase em Teatro-Educação, Produção Cultural, Contação de História, Orientação de Estágio, Improvisação e Montagem Teatral. Atualmente é Professora Adjunta da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD) no Curso de Licenciatura e Bacharelado em Artes Cênicas, onde já atuou como Coordenadora Pedagógica do Curso, e presidente da Comissão de Estágio Supervisionado do Curso de Artes Cênicas – COES/Artes Cênicas, além de Coordenar o SubProjeto de Teatro do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (PIBID)/UFGD


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How to Cite

JANIASKI VALE, F. The theater in early childhood education mediated by storytelling. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 13, n. 1, p. e21951, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 15 mar. 2025.

