Characterization of injuries suffered by Jiu-jitsu practicers from the interior of Pernambuco




epidemiologia, traumatismo em atletas, esportes, jiu-jitsu


BACKGROUND: due to the techniques and the high intensity of the sport, the Jiu-jitsu has a high prevalence of injuries in its practicers, resulting in their distance from training and competitions.
OBJECTIVE: this study aimed to characterize the injuries resulting from the practice of Jiu-jitsu among athletes from the interior of Pernambuco.
METHODS: being a quantitative field research, of an observational and transversal analytical nature, conducted through a digital questionnaire on Google Forms, having the final sample of 47 participants.
RESULTS: it was found that injuries were frequent among the interviewed practitioners, with the knee, followed by the shoulder and fingers being the most affected areas. The “bootie”, the “arm lock” and the “cow hand” were identified as the blows that cause the most injury. As main outcomes, there was a high prevalence of medical care and medication in all graduation belts, with brown and black belts with higher percentages of surgical and physical therapy interventions.
CONCLUSION: due to the high prevalence of injuries, awareness of injury prevention on the part of coaches and athletes is essential, and the rational use of medicines is also highlighted. Given the presence of sequels, physical education becomes a promising strategy in preventing these, enabling an improvement in the athletes’ performance.


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How to Cite

MEDEIROS, R.; SILVA, O. A. Characterization of injuries suffered by Jiu-jitsu practicers from the interior of Pernambuco. Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 20, p. e–28803, 2022. DOI: 10.36453/cefe.2022.28803. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.