Women’s soccer and futsal: stigmas and advances



Supporting Agencies


Women's soccer, Media, Society, Women's futsal


OBJECTIVE: To verify if there are still reports with prejudice against women’s field soccer and indoor soccer and there are still standards practiced by the media, as well as advances in the propaganda of women’s field soccer and indoor soccer and to identify what reasons that society offers to practice these modalities by womens.
METHODS: The study is a literature review. The search for articles on the topic was carried out in the Cape’s Portal Periodicals database that were published between August 5th, in 2016 and August 5th, in 2021, and were selected articles that corresponded to the proposed theme and excluded all bibliographies, reviews, books, theses, dissertations, and studies that didn’t cover the chosen topic.
RESULTS: Fifteen articles were selected. Of these, 6 were involved in soccer theme’s interviews; 3 with indoor soccer’s topic; 3 in contents’ analyses in a widely circulated website and 3 documentary analyses, which 1 is associated with interviews. These studies mostly showed reports by women and girls about the prejudices and patterns that limit their participation in field soccer and indoor soccer, which still exist. It was also identified literature that mentions the difficulty of women initiating this kind of sport. Finally, some articles that gives hope for change, which cite the increase in the dissemination of the media, as well as strategies for empowerment and bringing women closer to the practice.
CONCLUSION: It was possible to conclude that prejudice against women’s field soccer and indoor soccer still persists, as well as the reports of opportunities and motivations to iniciate women’s practice are still rare. However, there was an increase in the dissemination of the modalities in the television media, which may improve these factors in the future. Additionally, incentive of public’s policies need to be further exploited.


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Author Biographies

Gustavo Henrique de Almeida-Silva, Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP), Jacareí

Estudante do curso Técnico em Administração integrado ao Ensino Médio - Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Victor Barbosa Ribeiro, Instituto Federal de São Paulo (IFSP), Jacareí

Docente do Instituto Federal de São Paulo

Doutor em Biologia da Reprodução Humana - FMRP-USP

Mestre em Fisiologia - FMRP-USP

Especialista em Treinamento Esportivo - EEFERP

Especialista em Educação Profissional Tecnológica Inclusiva - IFTM

Especialista em Planejamento, Implementação e Gestão de EAD - UFF

Aperfeiçoamento em Acessibilidade na Atividade Física Escolar - UFJF

Graduado em Fisioterapia - UFVJM

Graduado em Educação Física - UFVJM

Graduado em Pedagogia - UNIFRAN


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How to Cite

ALMEIDA-SILVA, G. H. de; RIBEIRO, V. B. Women’s soccer and futsal: stigmas and advances . Caderno de Educação Física e Esporte, Marechal Cândido Rondon, v. 20, p. e–28992, 2022. DOI: 10.36453/cefe.2022.28992. Disponível em: https://saber.unioeste.br/index.php/cadernoedfisica/article/view/28992. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.