Physical education and its scientific visibility: a dialogue with teachers emeritus on the 35 years of the physical education course and 20 years of the Physical Education (and Sport) Journal
Physical Education, Teacher training, Scientific JournalAbstract
OBJECTIVE: This text aims to discuss Physical Education at the State University of Western Paraná - Unioeste and its scientific visibility through a dialogue with teachers emeritus of the class in the context of the celebrations of the 35 years of the Physical Education course and 20 years of the scientific journal published by the course. METHOD: The methodology is outlined as an exploratory study, conducted through the technique of informal interview with three teachers who retired in the year in which they completed the twentieth anniversary of the of Physical Education (and Sport) Journal. RESULTS: The interviewees evaluated the main transformations that occurred in the formation of teachers in Physical Education in the last years and talked about how they experienced these changes during their course work. They also presented their vision on the emergence of the scientific journal of the course and its importance for the dissemination of the course. CONCLUSION: It is concluded that the Physical Education course fully achieves its objectives and that, in view of the constant changes in teacher education, the Physical Education course has always accompanied and consciously incorporated the changes, adapting the training to regional interests and needs. About the Journal, the interviewees argue that it has been successfully meeting its objectives, with a good editorial committee, editorial board and editor concerned with its quality, encouraging the publication of research of the course itself and other authors in the field.
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