Nomes germânicos em Kėdainiai nos séculos XVII e XVIII




Lituania, city, Germans, historical anthroponymy, historical personal name


Este artigo analisa a nomeação de pessoas de nacionalidade alemã na cidade maior de Kėdainiai entre os séculos XVI e XVII e  e traz reflexões sobre as características peculiares deste sistema antroponímico, a saber a proporção de nomes alemães masculinos com dois prenoms e um sobrenome.

Biografia do Autor

Alma Ragauskaitė, Institute of the Lithuanian Language

Senior Researcher at the Research Centre of Baltic Languages and Proper Names of the Institute of the Lithuanian Language. PhD thesis – 2002, Institute of the Lithuanian Language and Vytautas Magnus University; author of two books and over thirty scholarly and popular articles; co-author of the Dictionary of Lithuanian Place Names, she wrote texts for the second, the third and the fourth volumes.



Ragauskaitė, A. (2005). XVI−XVIII a. kauniečių asmenvardžiai [Personal Names of the Citizens of Kaunas in the 16th−18th Century]. Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos instituto leidykla.

Ragauskaitė, A. (2016). Germaniškos kilmės kėdainiečių antroponimai XVII−XVIII a. Kėdainių miesto istorijos šaltiniuose [Germanic Anthroponyms of the Inhabitants of Kėdainiai in Kėdainiai Historical Sources of the 17th−18th Century]. Baltu filoloģija, XXV(2), 111−128.

Ragauskaitė, A. (2018). Trends characteristic to naming of German residents of Kėdainiai in the 19th century: Introductory remarks. Acta Baltico-Slavica, 42, 173–188. 10.11649/abs.2018.009

Ragauskaitė, A. (2022). XVII−XVIII a. kėdainiečių asmenvardžiai [Personal Names of Kėdainiai Residents of the 17th−18th Century]. Vilnius: Lietuvių kalbos institutas.

Zinkevičius, Z. (1977). Lietuvių antroponimika: Vilniaus lietuvių asmenvardžiai XVII a. pradžioje [Lithuanian Anthroponymics: Lithuanian Personal Names in Vilnius at the Beginning of the 17th Century]. Vilnius: Mokslas.




Como Citar

RAGAUSKAITĖ, A. Nomes germânicos em Kėdainiai nos séculos XVII e XVIII. Onomástica desde América Latina, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 1–5, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/odal.v4i1.31652. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.