Toponymic analysis of cataloging waterfalls in Cruz Machado (PR)


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Waterfall, Toponymic classification, Cruz Machado (PR), Toponymic structure, Urban Toponymy


Included in the general theories of Toponymy, this article intends to analyze and interpret the toponymic inventory present on the website of the Projeto Catálogo das Águas in its list of waterfalls, more precisely those existing in the municipality of Cruz Machado in the state of Paraná. This study considers the geographic entity waterfall to be a type of hydronym, since one of its lexicographic meanings is “place, stretch of a watercourse” (Houaiss, Villar, 2009). Therefore, the data generated in this research will be examined by the theoretical assumptions of toponym structure (Carvalhinhos, 2003), studies of hydrotoponymy (Dick, 2002; Arnaut, Lourenço, 2021), toponymic classification mechanisms (Urazmetova, Shamsutdinova, 2017), and the geographical relationship of basic toponymic words (Dick, 1975; Stewart, 1954). This work is basically divided into three parts: starting with a general appreciation of the website, contemplating its elementary structure, with the listing, designation and location of the waterfalls; then, an analysis and investigation of the toponymic structure is carried out and, finally, a comparison between these geographical names is carried out to then verify if there is any type of standardization in the list.


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How to Cite

RIVABEM WINHESKI, M. Toponymic analysis of cataloging waterfalls in Cruz Machado (PR). Onomastics from Latin America, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 1–26, 2024. DOI: 10.48075/odal.v5i1.31756. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.