Resolução de Problemas, Resoluções visuais, Formação Inicial de professores, Tarefas desafiantes, RepresentaçõesAbstract
For students, including future teachers, to be competent in problem solving, they must know different mathematical representations and the relations between them, so they can choose the most convenient in each situation. The aim of this paper is to analyse the types of strategies and representations used by future teachers of elementary education (6-12 years old) when solving multiple solutions tasks. The theoretical framework focuses on representational systems related to thinking processes during problem solving, following a qualitative methodology that involved 14 pre-service teachers. Data was collected through participant observation and written productions. The results show that the participants privileged analytical and mixed strategies, combining visual, verbal and symbolic representations, as well as their duals. Overall, the potential of using multiple representations and integrating them was perceived, which explains, in many cases, the choice of mixed strategies.
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