Black African woman: autobiographical narrative of a Nigerian woman's experiences and her relationship with black feminism


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Black women, Black feminism, Autobiographical narrative.


This paper is an autobiographical narrative using Patricia Hill Collins' concept of an outsider within to reflect on the constructive aspects of being an African and foreign black woman in Brazil, a moment that began in 2011 when I left Nigeria to study abroad. The goal is, besides documenting this path, to show, through my narrative, the perceptions that are formed by recognizing myself as a black woman over the years using my position of subordination as a stand point. This kind of knowledge production has been valued within the black feminist. I use authors such as Djamila Ribeiro (2018), Patricia Hill Collins (2016), Bell Hooks (2015), Sueli Carneiro (2003), Chimamanda Adichie (2009; 2015), who discuss the identity and condition of black women, the different categories of contrast, the importance of women's network that think about the condition of women in reconfiguring the space they occupy in helping to think about feminism, as well as making it possible to think about gender, race and class as intersectional axes. Some of these authors understand that the black woman in her position of marginality has a potential perspective that allows the expansion of studies that may be pertinent to think about the heterogeneity of a movement that values their particularities.


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How to Cite

ARANSIOLA, T. J. Black African woman: autobiographical narrative of a Nigerian woman’s experiences and her relationship with black feminism. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 13, n. 3, p. e23614, 2019. Disponível em: Acesso em: 18 jul. 2024.

