The songs against oppression: Patativa do Assaré and the brazilian popular poetry


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Popular Poetry, Patativa do Assaré, Popular Culture, Cordel Literature.


Cordel Literature in the Northeast of Brazil has a significant notoriety because of the spontaneous theme, regional marks and political and social criticismo. Because of such peculiarities and relevance, the idea of this paper cames. This paper have the objetiv to contextualize such popular poetry, more specifically the poems of Antonio Gonçalves da Silva (Patativa do Assaré), with the political and social resistance and reexistence in Brazilian popular literature. For this, we read and studied some theorical approaches about popular culture (Cuche, 1999), poetry of Northeast of Brazil (Assaré, 1978), (Ribeiro, 1987) and the life and work of Patativa. For add such concepts and facts with politial resistance and social reexistence through the art, some reflections by authors were use to composse the discussion: Arantes (1982), Foucault (2011 and 2004) and Marcuse (1973). And in order to understant the poems of Patativa by the proposed of the article, a qualitative approach was used, through the analysis of the French discourse (Gregolin, 2008). Thus, through such reads, researchs and analyzes, it was possible to notice that art of Patativa resists and reexists socially, mainly, from theree aspects: language used, the life of Patativa and subjetcts dealt with in the poems. 


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How to Cite

SILVA, D. de L. da; SANTOS, G. F. C. dos. The songs against oppression: Patativa do Assaré and the brazilian popular poetry. Travessias, Cascavel, v. 15, n. 1, p. e26034, 2021. DOI: 10.48075/rt.v15i1.26034. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.

