Learning evaluation
from understanding to pedagogical practices
Learning assessment, Evaluative instruments, Pedagogical practicesAbstract
Within the educational process, one of the main phenomena that occurs and is gaining more and more prominence is the assessment of learning. Each author may describe assessment in a certain way, but its relevance for teaching and learning processes is undeniable. Much is said about the conceptions that teachers have about assessment, and data shows that there is a discrepancy between teachers' statements and their practices. Thus, considering the extreme importance that evaluation has for the pedagogical environment, the project that originated this work had as its main objective to identify the practices and evaluation instruments used by teachers and relate them to their experiences and understandings. To this end, semi-structured interviews were carried out with the six teachers who work in elementary school, and the material was analyzed using Discursive Textual Analysis (ATD). Eight final categories emerged from this process, but for this article we selected two final categories to develop and present their results. Based on the theoretical foundation based on Luckesi, Hoffman, Perrenoud, Sanmartí and Sant'anna, it was possible to verify that despite knowing the potential to regulate their own pedagogical practice, teachers they try to deal with the aversion that students have towards assessment, which may be the result of teachers' own choices and attitudes, combined with the current punitive and classificatory system itself.
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