Proper Names in Literature: eccentric attempts at a semantic model


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Proper Name, Semantics, Literature, Meaning


At the dawn of the conformation of linguistics and semantics as scientific disciplines during the 19th century, proper names and meaning were erected as two split instances, whose relationship seemed null, or rather, of a reciprocal ignorance. However, in this intersection between the philosophy of language, linguistic semantics, and literature –as an interdisciplinary assemblage–, we intend to explore to what extent a “meaning” of the personal proper name could be asserted. That is: would it not be possible, from a pragmatic and functional approach to semantics, to account for those elusive meanings that literature has been staging for so long? For this, based on the contributions of Salvador Gutiérrez Ordoñez, Stephen Ullman, Willy Langendonck, and Richard Coates, among others, we propose an “eccentric” semantic model, that is, slightly decentered, which is conducive to the analysis of the potential of semanticity of the proper name and based on a fluid transaction between the langue and the parole.


Author Biography

Ulla Szaszak Bongartz, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Doctoranda en Literatura (UBA) y becaria de CONICET bajo la dirección de la Dra. Tania Diz, magíster en Estudios Literarios Latinoamericanos (UNTREF) y en Escritura Creativa (UNTREF) y profesora y licenciada en Letras (UBA).


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How to Cite

SZASZAK BONGARTZ, U. Proper Names in Literature: eccentric attempts at a semantic model. Onomastics from Latin America, [S. l.], v. 4, n. 1, p. 1–28, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/odal.v4i1.31123. Disponível em: Acesso em: 17 may. 2024.