Onomastic approach to the name of Heavy Metal bands





Chrematonym, Heavy metal, Onomastics, intercategories


The act of naming is considered a certain ritual. It is rooted in a list of options and ends in a stage where the process is narrated. Any object which bears a name, bears it to be seen as individual and unique, at least in the surroundings, and the process of naming a music band is no exception. The concept used for this process is Chrematonymy. The main aim of this text is to present an onomastic overview, out of a several subgenres of heavy metal band name corpus in order to explore the linguistic structure of such names, languages chosen for naming and onomastic aspects associated to social, religious, cultural, literary influences and also to classify and discuss based onomastic nomenclature. Based on a quantitative approach and from the linguistic and onomastics point of view, a corpus 844 Heavy Metal bands’ names from all over the world, a genre which constructed its own subculture with their own rules, fashion, discourse and naming rituals. Our analysis reveals cultural, literary, historical, religious and linguistic in band naming as well as an ample variety of morphological and syntactic constructions in the catalog of names. We can find that the variety of references in the name of a band is a network of social, linguistic and cultural connections and should not be only studied from the musicology or anthropology’ perspective, but also as a linguistic, social and cultural phenomenon.

Key words: Chrematonym, Heavy metal, Onomastics, intercategories.

Author Biography

Miguel Reyes Contreras, Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, México

Maestro en Lingüística Aplicada, Docente investigador de la Universidad de Ixtlahuaca CUI, México; profesor afiliado en el Institute of American Indian Arts, Santa Fe, NM (2019-2021). Miembro del Seminario Interinstitucional de Onomástica, México


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How to Cite

REYES CONTRERAS, M. Onomastic approach to the name of Heavy Metal bands. Onomastics from Latin America, [S. l.], v. 2, n. 3, p. 59–81, 2020. DOI: 10.48075/odal.v0i0.26062. Disponível em: https://saber.unioeste.br/index.php/onomastica/article/view/26062. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.


