About the Journal

Abbreviated Title: Act. Eli. Salt.

Journal edited by the Health Sciences Center (Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná - Unioeste) and linked to the Postgraduate Program in Applied Health Sciences at the Francisco Beltrão Campus. It is a project that aims to encourage scientific dissemination of research outputs from health sciences and related fields.

Acta Elit Salutis (AES) is a semiannual, exclusively online journal that publishes original articles in all areas of health sciences, including medicine, nutrition, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, physical education and others.

Original articles (written in Portuguese, Spanish or English) addressing health sciences in general, public health and epidemiology are welcome. Articles may include new experimental methods, results obtained experimentally, new interpretation of existing results or data related to clinical problems, as well as epidemiological work that provides substantial scientific information related to the health sciences.

Periodicidade: Semestral

Classificação no WebQualis-Capes: Periódico Novo

Indexadores, Bases e Diretórios:

Dialnet (Base de dados de literatura hispânica)

Latindex (Indexador de Revistas Científicas da América Latina, Caribe, Espanha e Portugal)

Sumários.org (Sumários de Revistas Brasileiras)

Livre (Revistas de livre Acesso)

Scholar Google  (Google Acadêmico)

Diadorin  (Diretório de Políticas Públicas das Revistas Brasileiras - IBICT) 

Assinaturas: Nosso periódico é de Acesso Aberto (Open Access), permitindo que o usuário também tenha acesso livre e gratuito a todos os artigos já publicados. 

Licença: Creative Commons (CC  BY-NC-SA - 4.0).

Taxas: O periódico não cobra taxas para o envio de manuscritos, nem taxas de publicação.

 Sistema de PublicaçãoAhead of print.

Os manuscritos podem ser submetidos em qualquer data. Assim que forem enviados, serão designados os avaliadores e, em caso de aprovação, serão incorporados no próximo número a ser publicado (fluxo contínuo).

Publicação: Os trabalhos aceitos para publicação e que tiveram os procedimentos editoriais encerrados serão imediatamente publicados na versão eletrônica (Ahead of Print).

Avaliação: Temos um sistema de avaliação de revisão cega aos pares (blind peer review).



Dengue Fever: Strategies for responding to the current health emergency in the Global South


Dengue Fever: Strategies for responding to the current
 health emergency in the Global South

A special issue call for papers


Abstract deadline: May 20, 2024
Editor-in-Chief: Guilherme W. Wendt, PhD

The Editorial Board of Acta Elit Salutis (e-ISSN: 2675-1208), the official journal of the Health Sciences Center of the Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE) invites submissions for a special issue on “Dengue Fever: Strategies for responding to the current health emergency in the Global South”.

This includes, but is not limited to both theoretical, empirical and qualitative research on:


Development and implementation of sustainable prevention and control programs to inverse the current trend of rising cases of dengue fever, particularly in the Global South

Review, empirical (including qualitative approaches) and case studies about outbreak prevalence and response, risk factors, and vector management

Vaccination campaigns, vaccine development, vaccine hesitancy and allied immunization strategies

Clinical management of dengue fever, including innovative approaches and supportive treatment


Priority will be given to manuscripts that provide evidence of practical recommendation that can be immediately absorbed by professionals and policy makers dealing with Dengue Fever outbreaks in the Global South.

If you have any questions, please, contact the Editor-in-Chief, Dr. G. Wendt (guilherme.wendt@unioeste.br)



More information about this special issue:


§  About the journal: Acta Elit Salutis (e-ISSN: 2675-1208) is the official journal of the Health Sciences Center of the Western Paraná State University (UNIOESTE). The journal is indexed at several databases, including Dialnet, Latindex, and Diadorin, which gives authors a wide audience for conveying their research outputs. There are no APC for this journal.

§  First step – Intended abstract submission: Intended abstracts (2 pages maximum, double-spaced) should be sent to Dr. Guilherme W. Wendt (guilherme.wendt@unioeste.br) by May 20, 2024. Please, include your tentative title, study design, and preliminary or expected results.

§  Second step - Manuscript submission: All abstracts will be reviewed, and the authors will be notified within 10 days after abstract submission about the decision to submit a full paper, along with information regarding manuscript structure and formatting.


Deadline for full paper submission: September 1, 2024. The editorial board will provide the abstract translation into Portuguese for papers submitted in English or Spanish.


Accepted papers will be published by the Journal as soon as proofreading is completed (ahead of print).

Read more about Dengue Fever: Strategies for responding to the current health emergency in the Global South

Current Issue

Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Acta Elit Salutis
					View Vol. 8 No. 2 (2023): Acta Elit Salutis
Published: 15-03-2024

Artigos Originais

  • Early smoking among students aged 10 to 17 years old from a public school in western Paraná

    Sofia Helena Nassar Trindade, Ugo Roberto de Lima Accorsi, Urielly Tayná de Lima , Gabriel de Lima Accorsi, Julia Polarini Lacerda
  • Health and criminal profile indicators of incarcerated men

    Carolina Padilha Kuhn, Heloísa Moreira Pestana de Medeiros, Maiara Grasiela Rossi, Neli Gehlen Motta, Samara dos Santos, Larissa Wessling , Kairo Adriano Ribeiro de Carvalho, Kettlen Eduarda Gallina Dalabeta, Gabriela Suthovski, José Ricardo Furquim, Dalila Moter Benvegnú

Artigos de Revisão

  • Efficiency of PCR and Hybrid Capture technique for HPV detection: an integrative review

    Mariana Manzoni Seerig, Valquiria Kulig Vieira, Adriane Grigolo, Ketlin Margarida Warmling, Leia Carolina Lucio
  • Hemochromatosis and Vibrio vulnificus infection risk-management to prevent complications

    Aline Kramel Münzfeld, Andréa do Livramento, Paula Angélica Roratto
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