Decoloniality in language teaching
autobiographic narratives in teaching training
Decoloniality, teaching training, Autobiographical NarrativesAbstract
This article presents considerations from the adoption of a decolonial attitude according to Mignolo, (2010) to analyze the knowledge built in an extension project through an autobiographical narrative as a research approach (ESTEBAN, 2010; ELLIS; ADAMS; BOCHNER, 2011). The study was developed about the experiences that were lived with undergraduates, teachers and trainers at the University and basic education in the state of Paraná, promoting a space to establishing dialogues on the hierarchy of knowledge in training. Recognized by the participants based on extension actions on language teaching. It is interesting to discuss how the hierarchy of knowledge can be problematized and investigated in language teaching using a Critical Applied Linguistics perspective (MOITA LOPES, 2006) to weave reflections on language, decoloniality and teacher training, based on Borelli's studies (2017), Ballestrin (2013), Quijano (2005), Grosfoguel (2010). I also discuss the power of work that values the tripod, teaching, research and extension as a way to establish a dialogue between initial and continuing education of language teachers.
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