What do the black activist teachers narrate?
Pedagogies of resistance, Decolonial black feminism, narrative researchAbstract
This article is the result of a doctoral research that aimed to understand how black teachers who are activists of social movements, crossed by structural violence, create forms of socio-political-pedagogical confrontations, in the fight against inequalities produced by patriarchal, colonial and epistemic racism in their actions in Basic Education. As an epistemological basis, we articulate education, social movements and decolonial black feminism. We chose narrative research as a method to collect life stories of black activist teachers. The results indicate that their life-profession histories are born from places of belonging, congruence and reciprocity and indicate that the writing of these teachers presents an ethical/political/professional dimension with powerful experiences based on epistemes that value pedagogies of collectively shared (re)existences with recognition of otherness, racial belonging, elevation of self-esteem and teacher protagonism.
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