(In)Discipline in the school context
reflections for a necessary discussion
Brazilian education, discipline, school indiscipline, pedagogical contractAbstract
(In)discipline in the school context is approached as a problem with roots in contemporary culture. Far from considering it a problem only of the school institution, the objective of this article is to analize it in the dialectical relationship with its other pair, the discipline, establishing relationships between both and whit those involved in the educational process: legislation, school, students, staff, teachers and family. Through the interpretation of the most pertinent theoretical texts on the topic, reflections are made that contribute to rethinking the role of the actors who are part of the educational act, concluding, among other perceptions, that: it still circulates consistently in Brazilian society, including school spaces, a traditional conception of the role played by each member of the educational process, despite the changes that have taken place in recent decades, a factor that negatively impacts the development of the subject, favouring indiscipline. The subject is not just curricular content, but a collective construction, mediated by dialogue and necessary for students to achieve their teaching/learning objectives; school indiscipline is a behaviour resulting from the needs that students have that are not understood or satisfied. The pedagogical contract between teacher and students is a necessary strategy and capable of reversing the undisciplinary situation. Brazilian legislation does not define or promote strategies for the development of school discipline, making disciplinary issues even more difficult.
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