University education, conflicts, borders and cooperation: interdisciplinary perspectives between Brazil and Ukraine



Palabras clave:

University education; Interdisciplinary; Borders.


The dossier "University education, conflicts, borders and cooperation: interdisciplinary perspectives between Brazil and Ukraine" brings together national and international articles that problematize the complex relations of higher education in conditions of crisis, cross-border cooperation between cultures and fields of knowledge. With interdisciplinarity as a horizon, the manuscripts discuss how universities can build bridges across disciplinary boundaries in order to promote peaceful coexistence in regions marked by conflict and division. The texts address the potential of internationalization and university cooperation. Overall, this issue provides a thought-provoking and timely contribution to debates on the role of higher education in building more just and peaceful societies.


This dossier was only possible thanks to the support of the Araucária Foundation, to whom we extend our sincere gratitude, which, through the "Program to Welcome Ukrainian Scientists", financed the arrival of three visiting researchers from Ukraine to work in the Post-Graduation Program, Stricto Sensu, in Society, Culture and Frontiers at Unioeste, Foz do Iguaçu campus.




Cómo citar

HOLOD , A.; ALVES , F. L.; ILINA , M.; FELENCHAK , Y.; GHIZZI, H. P. University education, conflicts, borders and cooperation: interdisciplinary perspectives between Brazil and Ukraine. Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 19, n. 49, p. 9–16, 2024. DOI: 10.48075/educare.v19i49.33548. Disponível em: Acesso em: 14 mar. 2025.



Dossiê: Educação universitária, conflitos, fronteiras e cooperação: perspectivas interdisciplinares