L’usage des prénoms bibliques en Algérie

The Use of Biblical First Names in Algeria





proper name, religion, culture, transcription, second language reading


Biblical names refer to numerous proper nouns that often hold significant symbolic or historical meanings, with some being associated with major religious figures such as « Abraham », « Moses », « David », and « Jesus ». This article delves into the examination of biblical names that have persistently existed in onomastic usage in Algeria, undergoing phonetic modifications due to the inherent linguistic diversity in the Arabic language and, more specifically, in Algerian dialects. These names, carrying a millennia-old history and undeniable symbolic richness, transcend geographical and linguistic boundaries, thereby highlighting the intricate interweaving of biblical narratives within the Arab-Muslim cultural fabric.Within this framework, we opted for the utilization of a census method throughout the entirety of the year 2020. Subsequently, we embarked on the categorization and classification of forty-two (42) proper names (first names and last names) transcribed in the civil registers of the city of Mostaganem during this period. This corpus underwent linguistic analysis, with emphasis placed on their significance and historical evolution.Notably, throughout this article, anthroponyms of biblical origin, widely spread in Algeria, undergo evidently significant expansion. However, within this abundance, only those documented in the present text have managed to surpass oblivion, thus enduring the test of time and preserving their authentic essence. This observation highlights the importance of preserving these names, which not only bear witness to the country's cultural and religious heritage, but also to its linguistic diversity and plural identity through the emergence and conquest of the contemporary onomastic arena by new proper names.


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How to Cite

TAIBI-MAGHRAOUI, Y. L’usage des prénoms bibliques en Algérie: The Use of Biblical First Names in Algeria. Onomastics from Latin America, [S. l.], v. 5, n. 1, p. 1–11, 2024. DOI: 10.48075/odal.v5i1.32826. Disponível em: https://saber.unioeste.br/index.php/onomastica/article/view/32826. Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.