Representation of identity, memory and recovery of History: toponyms of public places of the city of Balsas- MA
Toponyms, Identity, Memory, History, Balsas-MAAbstract
The proper names of places, toponyms, are singular elements of the lexicon of the language that, among its various functions as toponymic sign, lend themselves as evidence of the history of the people who use them in their verbal interactions. In addition, they are true testimonies of the various aspects of memory and identity. With this perspective, Thus, this paper has as main aims to verify how the toponyms of the urban agglomerations of the city of Balsas-MA manifest the identity, memorable and historic representations of its inhabitants. The methodology follows the assumptions of onomastics, notably toponymy, with a descriptive analysis of the categories identity and memory intertwined with history, which are applied to toponyms of anthropocultural nature, with base axionimic, coronimic and historionimic toponyms. The results reveal that these toponyms in the south of Maranhão express the meanings that encompass the world view and the physical life and the human life view, which represent memorable and identity characters of the various peoples that inhabit this municipality, establishing proximity with these transpositions and institutions of the language.
Key-words: Toponyms, Identity, Memory, History, Balsas-MA.
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