


Saúde Ambiental; Prática Pedagógica; Metodologias Ativas.


In the many years that have passed since the evolution of human beings until today, the Anthropocene, many were the aggressions to the planet. Man, in his genesis, transforms the environment to his will, in order to dominate, control and own, in a selfish way, everything that is within his reach. Technology has provided an even greater lack of power, including a false unconcern about the future of the planet, that it would not succumb to the accelerated pace of degradation, that new inventions could solve natural deficits caused by man. The COVID-19 pandemic has rekindled concern about the future of our planet, and scientists around the world are calling for reflection on protecting the ecosystem. Thus, this paper reports the pedagogical experience of the curricular component in Planetary Health, taught in a Nursing course, aiming to instigate institutions and teachers about the theme and its importance in the context of health courses. The discipline, elaborated as Special Topics, foreseen in the Pedagogical Project as an innovative and current component, involved the use of active methodologies focused on the development of critical consciousness, besides the maker development regarding the elaboration and effectuation of application projects with potential to change habits that can be disseminated in the community, enabling necessary transformations so that the future is really tangible. 


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How to Cite

CABRAL, S. A. A. de O.; DE SOUZA REGO PINTO CARVALHO , D. P.; ABRANTES DE OLIVEIRA UCHÔA, S. PLANETARY HEALTH IN THE PRACTICE OF CARE: A PEDAGOGICAL EXPERIENCE IN HIGHER EDUCATION. Temas & Matizes, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 28, p. 166–185, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/rtm.v17i28.30891. Disponível em: Acesso em: 3 jul. 2024.



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