Pensamento Computacional, Matemática e Literatura em uma Formação Docente: um desafio interdisciplinar possível




Interdisciplinaridade; Matemática e Literatura; Pensamento Computacional.


Interdisciplinary practices and the pedagogical use of digital technologies in education are a challenge for elementary school teachers, as aspects of their initial training relate, among other things, to the integration of these technologies into a didactic design. This field report is the result of a workshop entitled "Interdisciplinarity with Scratch: Is it possible to learn mathematics through literature?" offered to early years elementary education professionals. During this training, which served as a methodological orientation, an explanatory approach was considered with the participants in a dialog about pedagogical practice in schools with literature and mathematics. Starting from the exposition of ideas and oriented towards a computational way of thinking, debates and teaching and learning practices were carried out using Scratch, a visual and block-based programming environment that allows the creation of different tasks and with different topics. The results suggest that this educational activity was innovative and relevant to the participants, understanding the potential of communication between disciplines with a digital platform that presents exploratory situations that not only invite questioning and decision-making, but also highlight deficits in classrooms both in teaching and in the educational path of these teachers.


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How to Cite

GONÇALVES, G. de S.; LUCENA CAMARGO DE ALMEIDA KLAUS, V.; MARTINS, F. . J.; BOSCARIOLI, C. Pensamento Computacional, Matemática e Literatura em uma Formação Docente: um desafio interdisciplinar possível. Temas & Matizes, [S. l.], v. 18, n. 32, p. 29–49, 2024. DOI: 10.48075/rtm.v17i28.30895. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.



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