


História da Educação; História; Memória


This article discusses the relationship between memory and the history of education, based on the contributions of Le Goff (2013), Nora (1993) Halbwachs (2003) and Ricoeur (2007), interweaving the elements between the history of education, memory and oblivion. It discusses the possibilities and challenges, in the historiographical operation, between memory and the educational field. Research on the subject has been opening the way for new investigations, contributing to research in the History of Education, as a scientific discipline. In order to understand the history of education, we chose the importance of memory and archives and historical sources. Embracing memory as the guiding object of historiographical research makes the work of the historian of education socially grounded. Historical sources and archives are essential for the historian's practice, tools of great relevance in historical research. It is relevant for society to understand, know and preserve its educational memory, as a daily commitment to preservation, where researchers and school agents must guarantee the maintenance and care of the sources.


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How to Cite

SILVA, J. C. da. INTERFACES BETWEEN MEMORY AND HISTORY OF EDUCATION. Temas & Matizes, [S. l.], v. 17, n. 29, p. 78–95, 2023. DOI: 10.48075/rtm.v17i29.31809. Disponível em: Acesso em: 29 jun. 2024.



Dossiê Memórias, coexistencias e cocriações como cartografias do pensamento