
  • SUELI DE OLIVEIRA SOUZA Mestre em Educação pelo PPGEdu/UFMT. Atua como professora na Secretaria Municipal de Educação/SEMED/Rondonópolis/MT
  • Márcia Roza Lorenzzon Mestre em Educação pelo PPGEdu/UFMT. Atua como professora-formadora no Centro de Formação e Atualização do Educador/SEDUC em Primavera do Leste/MT.
  • Simone Albuquerque da Rocha Doutora em Educação pela PPGE/UNESP e Pós-doutora pelo PPGE/PUC-SP. Atua como docente no Programa de Pós-graduação em Educação PPGEdu/UFMT.

Supporting Agencies
Agência Financiadora – OBEDUC/CAPES/INEP/SECADI


Professor Experiente. Mentoria- acompanhamento. professores iniciantes.


 This research comes from the project approved by the UFMT Observatory OBEDUC Education / CAPES / INEP / SECADI , investigating on the beginner teacher, professional development , difficulties and needs , entering this context , the experienced teacher. The main objective was to show in schools in the municipalities of Rondonópolis and Primavera do Leste, the difficulties that novice teachers face early career and how this reality is presented when an experienced teacher at school gives you support and monitoring. The loci of the research were four public schools in the two cities, and the subjects were four beginning teachers, one from each school, two at the Municipal School of Rondonópolis and two at the State School of Primavera do Leste. The questions they ask are: What are the difficulties reported by teachers in early professional career. How they perceive the inclusion of an experienced teacher to accompany them and guide them in their predicaments and challenges? What say beginning teachers who do not count with the help of experienced teacher in their practices? Supported in qualitative research, the study adopted for data collection narratives of the teachers that were analyzed from two aspects: teachers' dilemmas early in his career; and the monitoring of the relationship experienced teacher to beginning teacher. It was evident in the narratives, the early-stage teachers suffer from a lack of experience and how the experienced teacher's work can contribute significantly to shed light on their way to a position to face the challenges posed more confidence.

   Key words: Experienced teacher.  Mentorship Accompaniment. Beginners teachers.



How to Cite

SOUZA, S. D. O.; LORENZZON, M. R.; DA ROCHA, S. A. HOW FIREFLY ...TEACHER OF THE ACCOMPANYING WORK TO EXPERIENCED TEACHER BEGINNER. Educere et Educare, [S. l.], v. 13, n. 27, p. DOI: 10.17648/educare.v13i27.14070, 2018. DOI: 10.17648/educare.v13i27.14070. Disponível em: Acesso em: 22 jul. 2024.